Tuesday, 19 January 2016


how to eat healthy on a low budget

When it comes to healthy eating it can be tough , it often means more money on your food shop from the fresh juice and the fruit and veg that goes of quick so you have to buy 10x more than usual especially if you're on a meal plan , so here are some tips to stay health and save some dosh.

  • Buy the Basics : Shopping doesn't have to be too pricey and stocking up can always help you need to make sure you get all the nutrients you can , You want to Buy Whole Grain bread it's so much better for you than general white bread  and has that extra goodness in it ,spinach is after all super food and goes great with tuna but if you do get tuna it's better to get tuna in water than in sunflower oil. Switch to skimmed milk , stock up on oats for porridge you can get them so cheap from lidl for about 25p Chuck some chopped up banana in there and you have a superb breakfast to keep you going , Chickpeas,tomatoes,lentils , sweet potatoes and broccoli can give you the perfect start to salads for your meal plans ,Watermelon , pears and bananas are the most affordable fruits on the shelves.
  • Shopping List: Make sure you write a shopping list otherwise your budget will go out the window.
  • Freeze : The healthy food doesn't always last too long so your freezer will become your best friend , Prepackaged frozen fruits and veg can be cheap , last long and be perfect for a delicious smoothie which can be a filling and refreshing addition to your day , you could also stock freeze fish like salmon , trout and sea bass.
  • Make a plan; Get yourself a meal plan and schedule properly no snacking on junk if you have to snack do it on carrot's or fresh fruit.
    • Keep yourself hydrated .

  • Stockpile; Make a healthy stew full of vegetables you can make around 5 or more bowls out of a slow cooker batch and always freeze for later.
  • NO TAKEAWAYS they always cost too much out of our budget and we are regretting spending that money the next day also not healthy, to stay health think about your sugar intake maybe cut how many spoons of sugar you have in your coffee and tone down the fizzy drinks as you may think your being healthy but all the fizzy pop and sugar can ruin all your hard work . .

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